Introducing the Founder of Always Ready Mindset & Host of the ARM Podcast, Blog, & Platform.

My name is Michael and I created the Always Ready Mindset as a platform designed to share my thoughts and ideas with all of you.

You will also find the tools and resources that I personally believe are necessary for you to become the best version of yourself. 

This is some of the vast ancestral wisdom I have discovered throughout my drive to study and research my wide field of growing interests… and when possible, the ancestral wisdom will be paired in comparison with modern science for further credibility. Some people desire to have all the facts, and I will do my best to provide all of the relevant resources possible. 

For the most part, the things I write and share on this platform are from my perspective along with the perspectives of my guests. 

Acknowledging the truth that we are all imperfect and are figuring life out together. 

I know there will be useful gems that will help you on your unique path of life. 

I am in no way trying to convey that I have everything figured out or that I am living a perfect life myself… I am a flawed and life weathered man that has had many trials over the years… and because of my trials in life I am in turn uniquely and equally suited to share insights on specific topics and experiences. 

I am striving to achieve great things in life. As we all should strive to be better and greater than we were the day before. 

So wether you are male or female, young or old, the things that I convey here relate to everyone during different phases of life’s journey. 

I aim to serve, to motivate, to inspire and to teach in a way that aids in your own personal transformation, whatever that may be.

Whatever it is that you need, I will continually share my perspective with the hope that something I share will assist you on your path. 

I want to help you on your path to becoming healthier, stronger, more knowledgeable and highly skilled you. 

To become a greater and more exemplary individual with each passing day. 

Beyond assisting you to become healthier and stronger mentally and physically, it is my goal to help you survive the challenges of life that come from time to time and the seriously challenging events which will eventually come to test your abilities.

Each test in life, weather viewed as a negative experience or misfortune is simply just an obstacle that enables you to overcome, achieve stronger footing and keep moving forward in order to teach others to overcome anything that confronts them on their path so that they may begin to learn to do the same.

Always ready to serve, 

Always ready to learn,

Always ready to thrive.

Always with Gratitude, 

~ Michael G. Murdock ~


Talk about your brand

Introducing the Founder of Always Ready Mindset.

Your host, as Always, of the ARM Podcast, Blog, & Media Platforms.

Michael Murdock is a professional endurance athlete with a keen focus and love of obstacle course racing both as an activity and a philosophical approach to life. He is an outdoor adventure enthusiast with a powerful desire to continually learn and teach others the skills necessary to survive and thrive in any scenario encountered in life.

The Always Ready Mindset is an integral part of Michael's philosophy for living. The seed of this wisdom was recognized during his younger years in Scouting and truly began to flourish during a three month survival trek in the deserts of the North American southwest.

The Always Ready Life is a way of being. To be prepared for the unexpected. Understanding fully that no one is ever truly ready for the myriad of obstacles life throws at us, but we can do our best to become skilled and proficient for that which may eventually come. To be prepared to the best of our abilities is to “be ready.”

To be able to "Respond With Ability" in all scenarios is the goal we maintain.

Michael believes, Life isn’t a sprint, life is a never ending obstacle course with all obstacles unknown and designed to challenge our individual areas of weakness. However, an array of obstacles which can all be overcome. This is where embodying an enduring and optimistic mindset is key to living an optimal life.

To thrive in this ever changing world, Michael conveys: 

“We must always be ready by taking life one day at a time, one mile at a time, one obstacle at a time, never giving up and always believing with an unwavering optimism. A knowing that we have the ability to overcome each and every obstacle we face in this life.” 

Every challenge in life, figurative or literal, has the potential to enhance our personal development through an internal or physical experience.

From overcoming obstacles with functional training and his minimalist approach to nutrition, Michael touches on various topics such as obstacle course race prep, endurance training, athletic recovery protocols, yoga, trail running, rock climbing, his personal survival experiences, how to pass Military physical and mental training tests, first hand parenting experiences, productivity tactics and addiction recovery strategies that he has personally used to conquer his own addictions at earlier stages of life.

Everything Michael shares on the Always Ready Man is designed for you to integrate new habits and ideas into your daily routines, always for the improvement of your health, life and optimal wellbeing.

Be sure to check in regularly, follow and subscribe to the Always Ready Man social media channels.

Always with gratitude!